Category / Red de Migración Género y Desarrollo / Translation

Red de Migración Género y Desarrollo is a vindicating community integrated by women and women’s organizations from diverse latitudes that, from their situated knowledge, diverse feminist genealogies and activist action in their territories of origin, decided to promote a collective and transformative bet from decolonial feminism.

They joined energies, practices, actions, synergies and indignant hearts to denounce the multiple oppressions that affect women and their communities in diverse contexts: racism, anthropocentrism, androcentrism, patriarchy, classism, capitalism, Islamophobia, capacitism, LGTBIphobia, xenophobia, among others.
This collective has strengthened their synergic, interdependent and symbiotic link with women’s organizations in their territories of origin, through international activism, decolonial feminist reciprocity and the sharing of economic and political resources that strengthen collective action in the defense of the land and body.

One of their goals is to strengthen the leadership, voices and diverse presences of migrant women in public and decision-making spaces. They are generators of situated and intellectual knowledge from decolonial feminism and come to reverse racism and Eurocentrism in the feminisms of Western territories.